Adelaide Festival October 2012
The Kensington club is famous for being the home club of Sir Donald Bradman. If fact his name appears on the honour board as having won the club batting average for 6 years consecutively from 1935-36. Many other well known international and state cricketers feature on this board also. Clarrie Grimmett, John Inverarity and Terry Jenner are amongst the internationals featured.
The international component at Adelaide was much enhanced compared with other recent national festivals. Six IFCR members travelled from Mumbai, three from Chennai, three from New Zealand plus Norman Brown from England.
Pradeep Godbole with Norman and Liz Brown
Four teams competed against each other on the Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday in 35 over games while Thursday saw mixed teams also playing 35 over games.
Fellowship, as usual, was the best part of the week. Meeting old friends from the various areas plus making new friends ensured the success of the week.
The final dinner heard Ben Hook give an entertaining talk based on his wide experience of reporting the game for many years. Another feature of the final dinner was the awarding of a recognition to Graeme Amoore on achieving the milestone of 100 IFCR games. Other recognitions for Outstanding Service to Australian IFCR were made to Graeme Amoore, Bob Brigden, Richard Groom, David Horsley, Don McQueen and Ian Petherick.
Ravi and his boys
The basis of this award system was established by the Board in 2011. The Outstanding Service award requires that a member qualify under three of the following five criteria:
Service on the Board at national and/or international level
Being the organiser of internal festivals or international tours
Participation in many internal festivals and international tours
Other activities such as preparing newsletters, maintaining the Website etc
Being the instigator of extension of IFCR either within Australia or overseas
Associated tours were conducted to Hahndorf and the Adelaide hills and also to Victor Harbor and the Fleurieu Peninsula.
Organiser Bob Brigden and his assistants are to be congratulated for providing an excellent festival. Thanks also to the Busselton Men's Shed members who provided the David Johns Trophy.