Dear All,
Greetings from IFCR World and India!!
I am pleased to inform you all that in response to a mail from RI Fellowship committee, I have formally applied for a fellowship booth for IFCR in House of Friendship during the Rotary International Convention in Singapore scheduled from 25th to 29th May 2024.
This is the third consecutive year after Houston22 and Melbourne 23( a ha-trick in cricket parlance) we are opting for a booth during the International convention Singapore 24 to promote our cricket fellowship.
Have made few contacts with Rotarians from Singapore during the Melbourne Convention and they are keen to support us at the booth and also explore responsibilities of chartering their own country IFCR chapter in Singapore.The presence of our booth in Singapore convention could be a great motivating factor in this regard.
Do let me know if any of you or our members from your country are traveling to the convention and if so look forward to your/their participation in the activities at the booth.
With best wishes and regards,
Yours in service of IFCR/Rotary,
KRP Sarathy
Dear World Chair Vipul and all IFCR country heads/ friends,
IFCR greetings!!
This is further to my communication on our IFCR booth in House of Friendship during RI convention in Singapore from 25th to 29th May 2024.
Since it is only two weeks away now, this is a gentle reminder to all the country heads to utilize this wonderful opportunity to promote your country chapter at our IFCR booth by arranging to bring any IFCR material ( like your banner, flags , pictures, posters etc) for display. Those who are unable to make it to Singapore may forward the same thru any of the Rotarian friends attending the convention from your country.
Meanwhile we sincerely thank Rtn.Mohan Narsimhan of Rotary Singapore for coming forward to support our booth along with couple of local volunteers on all the 5 days of the convention.If the response and our efforts are good in motivating the local cricket loving Rotarians , we could have IFCR Singapore ready for launch shortly. Hoping for the best as always.
Please once again note that our Booth number is 1504 in House of Friendship at the convention.
Thanks and regards,
Yours in service of IFCR/Rotary,
KRP Sarathy