A Hot February 2014 Day at Strath Creek
Lineup for the introductions
February 9, 2014. A string of days with temperature in excess of 40 degrees preceded our charity game at Strath Creek on Sunday . Not surprisingly, the day of our game turned out to be another of the same.
The usual enthusiasm for Rotary cricket games ensured that members came from far and wide. John Sheldrick from Canberra, Bob Brigden from Adelaide, John Flynn and David Benn from Wagga, Robert Queale from Horsham plus Bruce Pooley, Kevin Scanlon and Geoff Haberecht from the Albury/Wodonga region were the main long distance travellers.
Lineup for the introductions
Some faces not seen previously were also in evidence. Keith Ryall (RC of Carlton) played his first game even though he had been a long time IFCR member. Kannan Subramaniam (not an IFCR member but a colleague of member Ian Musgrove at RC of Preston), Liam Ryan and Jack Ridewood (work associates of Kannan) and Bryan Ridewood (father of Jack) also participated.
An unusual method of separating the players into two teams was used. Those with surnames starting with letters between A and M formed one team while the N to W players became the second team.
Play finally began around 11.30 after the usual introductions. The hot northerly wind was so strong that the 35 overs each way game was played without bails from the second over of the day.
Team N to W batted first and accumulated a very large score with many boundaries. Team A to M, batting second, were rather more sedate and ended with a much smaller score.
The usual post match fellowship ensued including a novel form of raffle in aid of our regular charitable partner, the Children First Foundation. This novel raffle, devised by Anne McQueen, offered those present the opportunity to select a lucky number in return for a $5 donation. Three gift wrapped prizes were on offer. Proceeds of $156 resulted, a little down on previous occasions.
Our thanks must go to John and Ros Rogers, the new hosts at Strath Creek, for their assistance with the day and their well-received catering.