The following are the Minutes of the IFCR (INDIA) AGM held at Nottingham on 16th July 2014 during the 8th WRC festival held there.
VIPUL PATEL IFCR (INDIA) CHAIR called the meeting to order and conducted the proceedings.
KRP SARATHY (IFCR-INDIA) Vice Chair and NARESH SHENOY were invited to the dais.
Vipul briefed in nutshell the progress made by IFCR ( India) since the new team took over in Vapi in Feb 2012, he highlighted the successful IFCR Fellowship Tournaments held in HYDERABAD, CHENNAI and PUNE, one surpassing the other by the efficient execution of the events by the respective region heads and their team and IFCR INDIA”s significant contributions thru KITTU, SARATHY and VIPUL in spreading the IFCR movement by launching of IFCR 3201 KOCHI during SAARC tournament at MUNNAR in May 2013 and also helping to launch IFCR in BANGLADESH ( RI 3281/82) and GREECE( RI 2484) in Jun 2013 and Sept 2013 respectively in their presence.
Vipul thanked all the IFCRians and stepped down as IFCR India Chair and KRP SARATHY (Vice Chair) was proposed and seconded unanimously to take over from him as IFCR India Chair for the next term.
KRP Sarathy took over the proceedings as the current IFCR INDIA CHAIR and thanked all the members of the AGM for the responsibility bestowed on him and sought their continued support at all times. When called for proposals for Vice-Chair , PRADEEP GODBOLE of IFCR 3140, Mumbai and CHITRANJAN CHOUDRY of IFCR 3291 Kolkatta were proposed and seconded. After deliberations PRADEEP GODBOLE offered to withdraw in favour of CHITRANJAN with due regard to his seniority and also to avoid any contest to maintain unanimity. All the members of AGM applauded and appreciated his gesture in true Rotary spirit.
It was also adopted that the next IFCR India Chair to be elected need not necessarily be automatic succession of Vice-chair taking over as Chairman and it may be on fresh proposal and seconding depending on performance/suitability criteria. The AGM advised KRP SARATHY to have his own nominees for Hon. Secretary and Hon. Treasurer Post. He proposed to have R.NEELAKANTAN of IFCR 3230 CHENNAI as his secretary and KESHAV of IFCR 3190 BENGALURU as his Treasurer. The proposal was unanimously adopted.
On other general business there were threadbare discussions on the age restrictions to be implemented in IFCR India tournaments/festivals which included valuable inputs from senior Rotarians like J.Krishnan,Kittu, Rajagopal,Ravi, Agam and Nandu Shenoy. The IFCR India Chair and other office bearers noted all the views of the members present in the AGM and accepted to work towards in bringing out balanced guidelines for future IFCR INDIA tournaments in broad consent with majority of IFCR INDIA state and district heads.
When KRP SARATHY proposed to finalise the cricket fellowships calendar for next couple of years, the AGM has empowered the IFCR chair to finalise the same in discussion with the office bearers after receiving the proposals from respective IFCR districts who are volunteering to host the same. It has been requested that the IFCR districts who are proposing to host any National/International IFCR events ( Festival/Tournament) must send their proposals to IFCR INDIA for approval and to co-ordinate the same.
A resolution was passed unanimously that the new team under KRP Sarathy in liaision with Neelakantan ( Secretary) and Keshav (Treasurer) are authorised to operate the accounts of IFCR India forthwith and Vipul and his team ( Naresh Shenoy/ Bharath Gajjar) have been requested to finalise the accounts and facilitate smooth transfer of the same at the earliest.
KRP Sarathy,the IFCR ( India) Chair, who is also the Webmaster of IFCR (India) site briefed the AGM that he is in constant with John Dean (IFCR World Chair) and Richard Groom (IFCR World Secretary) who are working on the new portal created for IFCR as the old site is now defunct.He would take the help of volunteers,if required, to help him out in transferring all the material uploaded in the old site in to the new one. He also would follow the guidelines of IFCR World and circulate the prescribed forms developed by the International body for joining IFCR as a member and co-ordinate with all the IFCR regional heads to ensure compliance.
AGM concluded with KRP Sarathy and Chitranjan thanking all the members for smooth conduct of the AGM and opined that future AGMs must be conducted at every available opportunity when majority of IFCR regional heads are present to update the progress made on various issues during future IFCR tournaments/festivals throughout the term.
Thanking you,
With warm greetings,