Dear all,
This is to share with you all the fantastic experience I had at International Rotary Convention at Birmingham (from 21st to 24th June 09) being part of the "House Of Friendship" and helping to man the IFCR booth. The initiatives taken by IFCR Chairman Mike Jackson to set up such a booth at the convention is exemplary and the ground work done by Keith Hopkins, Chairman IFCR GB &I, to utilize the occasion to have an enjoyable Fellowship game and barbeque ( on 23rd Jun) on the sidelines of the convention is equally laudable.
The keen interest shown by the visiting delegates at IFCR booth ( particularly quite a few from the African Countries and West Indies ) has vindicated the need to promote and popularise this fellowship amongst our global Rotarians at such a platform .Kudos to Mike, Keith, Foster and David and other volunteers of GB & I to keep it going for all the four days of the convention with great enthusiasm. It was heartening to see Gerald with couple of his Rotarian friends from South Africa using the occasion to circulate the details of next Rotary Cricket Festival at Durban in March 2010.
We also had members of IFCR Australian team ( on their bilateral tour of GB & I) in Birmingham during the convention and it was only fitting that the Australian and GB & I team played their traditional "ASHES TEST" on 23rd Jun09,the fellowship day. Our friend Ravi from Chennai flew all the way only to be part of this memorable atmosphere and we had active participation from Gerald from South Africa, Agam Rao and Prakash from India during the fellowship game on 23rd Jun 09.
Although the results of the two games played on 23rd Jun are insignificant in keeping with the IFCR spirit, the grudging remark of Mike Jackson at the end of the day, while presenting the trophy, that the Aussies have regained the "ASHES" emphasised that the friendly rivalry and competitiveness is not lost after all. I had the proud privilege of being asked to lead a REST OF THE WORLD team against GB & I ( it was a wonderfully fought close game) and it was great feeling to mix and interact with fellow IFCRians from Australia, South Africa, England and India.
Profound thanks to Mike Jackson, Keith Hopkins and his team for organising the cricket games and fellowship to make this trip to the Birmingham convention all the more memorable.Frankly speaking IFCR connections and activity have been the key factor which motivated me to be in Birmingham during the convention.
Attending the AGM of GB & I and a plenary session of International Fellowships Committee as an invitee were other cherishable moments of the Birmingham trip.
With best wishes and regards to the entire IFCR fraternity,
KRP Sarathy,
Secretary,IFCR INDIA,
Dist Chair ( Vocational and Recreational fellowships),
RI 3150,Hyderabad.