North - South Weekend March 2015
NZIFCR has resolved to hold our 2015 North-South Weekend as part of the AusIFCR Festival taking place in Bendigo, Victoria from Sunday 15 to Friday 20 March 2015.
We need to know as soon as possible how many of our members and possibly new or intending members will be interested in participating in this event. If we have the numbers we will look to travel to Melbourne on Friday 13 November and travel to Bendigo to have our NZIFCR Matches on the Saturday and/or Sunday, with our Dinner and AGM programmed into that time frame and then join in the Aussie Festival for the rest of the week.
We are looking at us staying at the same venue for the NZIFCR part and then we could either stay on there or contemplate home hosting which may be on offer from the Sunday night till the conclusion of the festival.
Our Hon Sec Paul is looking into what World Cup Cricket Games this will fit in with and is to organise those who want some tickets if possible.
Please complete the indication of interest form below as soon as possible so that we know what numbers to expect and so that we can get the full programme underway.